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Network for students

PsyCH(psyKo, psyPra, trainers school)

Alias - Student Association ZHAW

FAPS - Psychology Association of the University of Zurich

Department of Psychology - Student Association Uni Basel

Universities of applied sciences and universities
Education and training

Ausbildung-Weiterbildung.ch - The swiss education portal

Industrial and organizational psychology

SGAOP - Swiss Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Vocational, academic and career counseling


AGAB - Association of Professionals for Guidance and Information in Middle and Higher Education

Laufbahnswiss - Association of independent career professionals

KBSB - Swiss Conference of Directors of Vocational and Academic Guidance

Profunda - Swiss Association of Career Development Professionals

SERI - State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation

SDBB - Swiss Service Center for Vocational Education and Training, Vocational, Academic and Career Guidance

Coaching of people with AD(H)S and ASD

elpos - ADHD Organization Umbrella Association Switzerland

autismus deutsche schweiz - Association for relatives, affected persons and professionals

sfg ADHS - Swiss ADHD Society


Competence Center for Gerontology Uni ZH

Pro Senectute

Gerontologie.ch - The network for quality of life in old age

Clinical psychology

Psychology Profession Commission (PsyKo).

SGAP - Swiss Society for Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Alcoholics Anonymous

Emergency Psychology
Writing Psychology

SGG - Swiss Graphological Society

School Psychology

School psychologists in German-speaking Switzerland

SKJP - Swiss Association for Child and Adolescent Psychology

EDK - Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education

Sports Psychology

FOSPO - Federal Office for Sport

SASP - Swiss Association for Sport Psychology

FEPSAC - European Federation for Sport Psychology