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Communication in relation to the arrangement model

Joint action by the psy associations
The collective bargaining negotiations are currently being conducted by the FSP, supported by us, the SBAP and the ASP. Our aim is to act together as psy associations in order to strengthen the position of psychotherapists in Switzerland and to speak with one voice. SBAP actively supports these negotiations, both financially and by participating in important committees such as the round table at the FOPH. This enables us to contribute our specialist knowledge and positions in a targeted manner and support the negotiation processes.


Challenges in communication
We know that the communication of these important topics plays a central role for our members. Even though we strive for consistency within the association, we see room for improvement. In particular, we want to ensure that, in addition to the existing communication
in the newsletter and in the member area , information on progress and challenges is provided even more actively and transparently in future.


Our next steps
The SBAP. will continue to work closely with the FSP and the ASP to achieve a cost-covering and fair tariff for psychological psychotherapy. At the same time, we are evaluating internally how we can improve communication with you without jeopardizing the joint strategy of the Psy associations.