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Results of the Bass study

In fall 2023, the FSP launched a broad-based survey on the work of psychotherapists in consultation with the psy associations and together with the BASS office. Members of ASP, FSP and SBAP were surveyed on general topics such as practice and workload, but also specifically on working hours. The results are now available.

Around 6,700 psychotherapists were invited to provide general data on their work in the fall of 2023. 3,000 accepted the invitation and submitted their data. In a second step, a sample of just over 1,000 people was formed from the 3,000 people who were specifically asked about the working time survey.

The team analyzed the information resulting from the BASS study immediately and in depth for the tariff negotiations. They represent a meaningful and reliable database on which negotiations with insurers can be based.

Here you can find a summary of the results.

Many thanks to all members for their commitment and participation in the survey!