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Benefit from discounts on various offers



SBAP members can benefit from discounts on products and services in the following areas:

  • Insurance & Money
  • Health & Career
  • Shopping, culture & leisure
  • Languages, Travel & Mobility
  • Media & News
  • Representation of interests & services

The overview and information of the providers can be found on the FH SCHWEIZ website.

FH SCHWEIZ also rents out the meeting room at Konradstrasse 6 (centrally located right next to Zurich main station, Sihlquai exit).

The meeting room is located on the 2nd floor (no elevator, not wheelchair accessible) and offers space for 12 people, has Wi-Fi and a large screen. The room can be rented externally during the day (between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.) and also in the evenings by close circles.
Further information.